Delise Sandpearl Memorial Page

BHH Cemetery (253 Geldard Road, Leeds, LS12 6DJ)
Delise Sandpearl passed on Sun, 15 November 2020 00:00 / 28 Cheshvan 5781

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Total raised so far
Total plus Gift Aid: £118.75
Previous Donations & Memorials
Name / Date
Name, Date, Message and amount of the latest donators:
Susan Sherman
Nov 16, 2020
To Michael and family We were truly saddened to hear of the loss Delise after her long struggle with illness May her memory live on through her dear children. grandchildren and all who knew her Wishing you all a very long life From Sue & Tony Sherman
£30.00 plus £7.50 Gift Aid
Paul Gross
Nov 16, 2020
Chaim Aruchim to Michael and all the family
£50.00 plus £12.50 Gift Aid
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