Leeds Jewish Welfare Board Bereavement Support

Leeds Jewish Welfare Board Bereavement Support

When the shiva is over Leeds Jewish Welfare Board is here to support you with the next step.


  1. Grief Recovery Programme

Our Grief Recovery Specialists recognise that grief is the normal and natural reaction brought about by the death of someone important in your life.  Our experienced and trained staff are able to facilitate grief recovery sessions.  You will be guided through the actions necessary to recover from grief over eight sessions, using the Grief Recovery Method.  This is a powerful, dynamic, confidential and accessible programme for anyone willing to take the necessary actions to help themselves – sessions can be arranged on an individual or group basis.


  1. Social Activities at the Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Community Centre(MAZCC) reducing loneliness & isolation

Many bereaved people can feel lonely and become socially isolated and at LJWB we recognise that socialisation is a key component to supporting your recovery.    LJWB can offer you the opportunity to get out, meet people, learn a new skill or just try something different.  We have a full timetable with a large and varied choice of activities, courses and classes, suitable for all.  To view our timetable see our website, pop into the MAZCC for a copy or give us a call.


  1. Transport Support

We realise that not everyone can easily access our services.  We offer a safe and reliable transport service to bring people who would otherwise be unable, to and from our Community Centre.  The service is a lifeline for many who would otherwise have limited contact with those outside their own home. Once at the community centre, people can access additional and familiar support to take part in a wide variety of classes, courses and activities, meet new people and have a hot Kosher meal or a snack in the café.   If you feel you would benefit from attending the Community Centre but need some extra support, please call us on 0113 2684211.


  1. 1:1 Support

Our support workers are able to offer 1:1 support to help people feel more positive about their situation.  We offer 1:1 bereavement support for adults and children, as well as assistance to socialise,  help with telephone calls, letters, attending appointments and signposting to other services which may help.


  1. Mental Health Support

Loss and bereavement is an important risk factor for increased mental health needs. We can provide practical and emotional support and guide you through accessing services to aid your recovery.  With regular contact from our team we are able to monitor wellbeing and support recovery.


  1. Volunteer

Giving to others by volunteering can help you on your journey of recovery. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. Volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness. We have a range of volunteering roles on offer from administration to befriending and so much more.  To find out more please contact our volunteering team on 0113 2684211.



For further information on any of the above services, please contact our Community Support Services Team on 01132684211  or e.mail CSSTeam@ljwb.co.uk.  Visit our website on https://ljwb.co.uk/bereavement-support/