Shirley Berwin - Founder Memorial Page

UHC Cemetery (253 Geldard Road, Leeds, LS12 6DJ)
Shirley Berwin passed on Wed, 14 February 2018 00:00 / 29th of Sh'vat, 5778

Shirley Berwin Tribute

Shirley was devoted to her family and the Community. She came from a Zionist family known for charitable and communal work , continuing that unselfish ethos throughout her life working for her Synagogue ,WIZO and other causes while bringing up her family with her husband of sixty four years.
Shirley was devoted to her family and the Community. She came from a Zionist family known for charitable and communal work , continuing that unselfish ethos throughout her life working for her Synagogue ,WIZO and other causes while bringing up her family with her husband of sixty four years.
Total raised so far
Total plus Gift Aid: £18.75
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